Understand & Progress

  • Diagnose & fix YOUR long standing issues

Short term or one-off visits are available here. Paul can work quickly to help you in moments where deadlines, inconsistency or confusion are unsettling your ability and relationship with voicing. Long standing issues are very often resolved or understood very quickly giving you real clarity and a reliable method to go forward with. A rich understanding of vocal physiology and the experience of thousands of hours of voice teaching and diagnosis give Paul a vantage point from which a solution or more efficient approach can be revealed and applied within minutes.

  • Build YOUR voice from scratch

We are not designed to sing - it can be such a mysterious & maddening art form but Paul can help. He is patient and supportive which allows you to understand and access your vocal capabilities no matter what your starting point! Constructing a pathway which can help you understand and progress is really important here. Confusion and frustration is replaced with understanding and improvement and this begins immediately. Paul will bring clarity to concepts in voicing and help you form a clear, achievable route, individually tailored to you, which will will yield the best results in a fun and time efficient manner.

  • Rehabilitate YOUR voice

Paul works on all voice related aspects independently and also as part of a team with Osteopaths, ENT’s, therapists and fellow professionals. He is experienced and has worked successfully on a large number of cases. Providing the best possible care is paramount in achieving the best results in this difficult and sometimes sensitive area. Paul has worked on many cases diagnosing and solving technical problems with precision and care. Effective rehabilitation is key so injuries/issues are not repeated.